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Column.Width overwritten and MaxWidth ignored

Again with a hierarchical grid. When I set the Width and MaxWidth for a Column at design-time both are completely ignored when I bind to a datasource with a child band. Bind to a source with no children and it works fine.

The weirdness here is that only the parent row is affected. The settings are not ignored on the child row - i.e. the column adheres to the width and maxwidth setting!

What's the story with this - really don't want to have to code column width when that's what the designer is supposed to be for. Kind of annoying that even the MaxWidth is ignored.

Thanks for any pointers.

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    It sounds to me like the data source you are binding to t run-time is not matching the exact data structure you have set up at design-time. In that case, everything is blown away and the grid creates a new layout to match the data structure. If any of the columns don't match or the band names of any of the bands don't match, you will lost the layout when you bind at run-time, because the grid has to assume it's a totally new structure.

    So how are you setting up your design-time structure in the grid? Are you using the designer to add the bands and columns? Or are you binding to the same data source at design-time that you will be using at run-time? 

    You might want to check out this KB article:

    HOWTO:How can I define columns in the grid at Design-time and bind them at run-time so that some fields of the data are excluded from the grid?


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