I use a simple grid with UltraGridRowEditTemplate enabled.
If the validation fails how may I set the focus in a specific ultragridcellproxy?
How are you validating? You should be able to use the underlying grid's BeforeExitEditMode event and cancel it if your validation fails. Otherwise you should just be able to call Focus on a specific proxy.
I use a class that has all the functionality of the control.
So the part that does the validation is as below:
Private Sub btnSaveAddress_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveAddress.Click 'Close the template and save any pending changes. Dim gRow As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow = mGrid.ActiveRow If gRow Is Nothing Then Return Dim strError As String = "" If validateAddressRow(gRow, strError) = False Then ShowMessage(strError, "MB_ICONSTOP", False)
' I tried the following code, but fails
mUGridRowEditTemplate.Controls.Item("Address").Focus() Return End If
'now update row
End Sub