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Scroll bar not showing on ultradropdown

I have a ultramaskededit control with an editbutton set to a ultradrop the displaylayout.scrollsbars property is set to automatic but the scroll bar never shows.  Another question is there a sample app that shows how to use the ulltradropdown with a textbox or maskededitbox?






Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.UltraDropDown1.DataSource = filltest()

Me.UltraDropDown1.DisplayMember = "Time"

Me.UltraDropDown1.ValueMember = "Time"

End Sub

Function filltest() As DataTable

Dim _AMPM As String = "AM"

Dim _endHour As Integer

Dim _hour As Integer = 8

Dim _counter As Integer

Dim _dc As DataColumn

Dim _row As DataRow

Dim _dtValueList As DataTable

Dim _quarterCounter As Integer

If _hour = 0 Then _hour = 8

_endHour = 6

If _endHour = -12 Then _endHour = 5

_dtValueList = New DataTable("Vehicle")

_dc = New DataColumn("Time")_dc.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")


If _hour <> 0 And _endHour <> 0 Then

_counter = 1

Do While (_hour <> _endHour Or _AMPM = "AM")For _quarterCounter = 0 To 30 Step 30

_row = _dtValueList.NewRow

_row.Item("Time") = _hour.ToString + ":" + Format(_quarterCounter, "00") + " " + _AMPM

Debug.Print(_hour.ToString + ":" + Format(_quarterCounter, "00") + " " + _AMPM)



_hour = _hour + 1

If _hour = 12 Then _AMPM = "PM"

If _hour = 13 Then _hour = 1

_counter = _counter + 1

If _counter = 300 Then Exit Do


End If

_row = _dtValueList.NewRow

_row.Item("Time") = _hour.ToString + ":00 PM"


Return _dtValueList

End Function

Private Sub UltraMaskedEdit1_BeforeEditorButtonDropDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.BeforeEditorButtonDropDownEventArgs) Handles UltraMaskedEdit1.BeforeEditorButtonDropDown

CType(e.Button, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.DropDownEditorButton).Control.Width = DirectCast(sender, Control).Width

End Sub

End Class

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