I have a ultramaskededit control with an editbutton set to a ultradrop the displaylayout.scrollsbars property is set to automatic but the scroll bar never shows. Another question is there a sample app that shows how to use the ulltradropdown with a textbox or maskededitbox?
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.UltraDropDown1.DisplayMember = "Time"
Me.UltraDropDown1.ValueMember = "Time"
End Sub
Dim _AMPM As String = "AM"
Dim _endHour As Integer
Dim _counter As Integer
Dim _row As DataRow
Dim _quarterCounter As Integer
_endHour = 6
_dtValueList = New DataTable("Vehicle")
If _hour <> 0 And _endHour <> 0 Then
_counter = 1
_row = _dtValueList.NewRow
_row.Item("Time") = _hour.ToString + ":" + Format(_quarterCounter, "00") + " " + _AMPM
_hour = _hour + 1
If _hour = 12 Then _AMPM = "PM"
_counter = _counter + 1
If _counter = 300 Then Exit Do
End If
_row.Item("Time") = _hour.ToString + ":00 PM"
End Function
CType(e.Button, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.DropDownEditorButton).Control.Width = DirectCast(sender, Control).Width
End Class
If I understand you correctly, you are assigning an UltraDropDown control to the DropDownEditorButton's Control property. If that's the case, then this will not work. An UltraDropDown cannot be used this way - it's not a standalone control - it only works as a ValueList in an UltraWinGrid or other control.
If you want a dropdown grid on your UltraMaskedEdit control, then you should use the UltraWinGrid control.
I'm using a masked edit control with a mask of {time} and added a buttonright to the control and set the control to ultradropdown. Are you saying I should use the grid control instead of the ultradropdown?
Hi John,
Yes that is what I'm saying. The UltraDropDown cannot be used this way. Frankly, I'm surprised it is even visible in the dropdown.
I don't know of any samples of exactly this. But here is something very similar:
HOWTO:Creating a Multi-Select Dropdown Combo for the WinGrid
Can you point me to an example of how do do this... I'm not sure how to hook up the events from the grid back to the edit control.
Thanks for all your help