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Ultrawingrid selection issue when setting CellClickAction to RowSelect

I'm running into an issue with the following ultrawingrid property:
ugParts.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellClickAction.RowSelect

I created an example project to demonstrate the issue.  In the  project there is an ultrawingrid and a standard button.  The ultrawingrid initializelayout event is handled setting properties of the grid (including the CellClickAction) similar to the way we have our production application setup.

When you click the button it will activate the next row in the ultrawingrid.  Clicking the button immediately after the form is loaded works as expected activating the next row.  If you click on a row in the middle of the ultrawingrid and then click the button notice it activates a different row, but the row clicked on remains selected.  I'm trying to get a single row selection behavior that will not allow individual cells to be selected when a user clicks on a row or the row activation is changed by the application.  Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Download the Example UltraWinGrid Project Here


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