Is there an event that allow me to get the value of a cell when a double click is done?
I was trying to find a DoubleClickCell event but it dosen't exists, the only I found was DoubleClick but it for the component... :(
Hmm I get an erro...
Error 1 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid' does not contain a definition for 'DoubleClickCell' C:\contact\FrmGest.cs 43 18 Contact
Hello Mike,I made the changes and it doesnt work for me. Does it happen to do anything with the version?
I am attaching the source code again.
All I get is a empty Row edit template with no values. and it doesnt work always?
I suppose it's possible there's a bug in the version of the controls you are using. I am using the latest service release, of course.
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
I'm not sure what you mean by "empty Row edit template". The first time I drop it down, it's empty, of course, because there's only one row in the grid and it's the AddNewRow, so there's no data in it. But I can type into the RowEditTemplate and click okay, and it adds the row to the grid correctly. Then if I double-click on the row selector for that new row, I see the RowEditTemplate with the data in it. I can edit it and everything works as I expect.
Sorry... I think I was confused about what you were doing. I've been double-click on the row and that's why it worked for me. Turns out I had the wrong method for showing the RET. Try this:
Private Sub UltraGrid2_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles UltraGrid2.KeyUp If e.KeyCode = Keys.F7 Then If (Not Me.UltraGrid2.ActiveRow Is Nothing) Then Me.UltraGrid2.ActiveRow.ShowEditTemplate() End If End If End Sub
That worked. Thank you very much. Can you divert you to another post that I made.
Also, when i Double click a row it is supposed to open the template which is working fine.
However when the Template opens I want to select a particular ultragridproxycell.
How can I achieve it.
Same way you would with any form, set the TabIndex on the control on the RET.
It worked. Thank you.
All my Ultragridcellproxy were inside a ultragroupbox and its tabindex property was stopping from selecting the cellproxy of the first cell.