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UltraNumericEditor used in grid will not allow for null (no value)

I have a UltraNumericEditor (defined as below) that I use as the EditorControl for a UltraDataGrid cell.  But when I try to leave the control empty I get the following error displayed:

Unable to convert from '(null)' to 'System.Int32'

this.uneCheckValues.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(767, 109);
this.uneCheckValues.MaskClipMode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.MaskMode.IncludeBoth;
this.uneCheckValues.MinValue = 0;
this.uneCheckValues.Name = "uneCheckValues";
this.uneCheckValues.Nullable = true;
this.uneCheckValues.PromptChar = ' ';
this.uneCheckValues.TabIndex = 16;
this.uneCheckValues.Visible = false;

Entry in the cell is not required, so how can I allow for nulls (if no entry)?

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


        There are two reasons I can think of why this might happen:

        1) The DataType of the column does not allow nulls. What's your data source and what is the DataType on this column?

        2)  This is a FirstChance exception which would be caught by the control and you are only seeing it becuase you have set the IDE to break on all run-time exceptions. 

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