Recently during testing on a winGrid that is attached to a winForm that is nested as a smartPart in another winForm, I found that when I pressed escape three times while in an AddNew row in the grid the grid lost focus for any futher keyboard entry or navigation. The first two escape key presses were handled as expected but on the third one, the winGrid loses focus and activation and unless it is re-established by selecting it with the mouse, keyboard entry is unavailable.
Can someone give me a hint on what is happening when the escape key is pressed three times consecutively in the AddNew row?
I resolved the problem by adding some code to the "AfterRowCancelUpdate" event to put focus back to the previous row. I am surprised that the winGrid did not do that by default. Did I perhaps set a property incorrectly that caused this behavior?
Thank you in advance for the help.
Sorry. Thanks for the help Tim. I guess I cracked under pressure and didn't pay attention to the forum selected. I have posted a modified version of what was here to the wingrid public forum.