We are using a UltraGrid to display some records, of which, one of the column's data type is Decimal(28) very similar to Guid.
When we do export to excel feature, this decimal columns appears as exponential value.
Please do let me know if there is any fix for this issue.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Vikarm,
The grid doesn't export the data with any formatting, it simply exports the cell value. So it must be Excel that is formatting the data. The default numeric format for a cell in Excel probably shows the number in scientific notation if it exceeds a certain length. You can use the InitializeColumn event of the ExcelExporter to set e.ExcelFormatStr to a format that you want. You will need to check Excel's documentation to see if there is a format that will do what you want.
Is there a simple/automatic way to get the number formatting to flow through? The cell colors and other formatting elements flow through to the worksheets very nicely...
I was having this same problem and this solved it. Thanks Mike!
Maybe I am not understanding what you mean by "flow through", but I think I already answered your question:
"You can use the InitializeColumn event of the ExcelExporter to set e.ExcelFormatStr to a format that you want. You will need to check Excel's documentation to see if there is a format that will do what you want."