We were modifying the Infragistics source code to achieve required behavior in our UI. But now, we want to avoid that as we have to repeat it for every new version of Infragistics. So for the below listed cases, could you please let us know if there is any other way to achieve the same without modifying the Infragistics source code?
1. Is there is a way to customize the entries for TabContextMenuManager's MenuItems? We want to add our own menu items to the context menu that appears when right clicking on a tab. 2. When opening a file, the file's tab is opened as the last tab. But we want the tabs to appear at the left most side of the tab area. The tab control is created using the MdiTabDragManager class. Is there any property/method we could use to achieve this? 3. In a tree view constructed using ColumnSetLayoutManager, there is no space between the nodes (UltraTreeNode) icons. The icons touch each other at the top and bottom. We want to have some space between the icons. Is there any property/method we could use to achieve this? 4. The IGMenuItem image is rendered as transparent if the image to render is a Bitmap. Is there a way to render it without making it transparent? 5. Can we customize the icons for the controls that show up when docking a pane? (Default icons are DockingIndicator_Left.bmp, DockingIndicator_Right.bmp etc) 6. Our control that uses GroupTabManager has Tabs at the bottom left of the window, but we want them at the top left. In GroupTabManager class, the orientation for the case 'Location.Left' is LeftBottom. We want the orientation to be LeftTop for this case. Is there any property/method we could use to achieve this instead of modifying the source code?
Hello Archit,
My team and I have done an initial review of this post, and it appears that you are asking questions about multiple controls. In the future, please create a different post per control that you are asking about for clarity, but I will try to answer your questions below:
1. I am under the impression that you are asking about the UltraTabbedMDIManager here. If so, I believe you can utilize the InitializeContextMenu event on that control for this. You can read about that event here: https://es.infragistics.com/help/winforms/24.1/infragistics.win.ultrawintabbedmdi~infragistics.win.ultrawintabbedmdi.ultratabbedmdimanager~initializecontextmenu_ev
2. I believe you can utilize the Reposition method of the MdiTab for this. I believe this post may help you: https://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ultimate-ui-for-windows-forms/64104/how-can-i-choose-the-tab-order-with-ultratabbedmdimanager.
3. I believe you should be able to use the UltraTree.Override.ImageSize and UltraTree.Override.ItemHeight properties for this. This should allow you to define sizes such that the images on the nodes aren’t touching each other.
4. I am a little bit confused on your question on this. Can you please elaborate? Does your Bitmap include transparent parts? If so, I would expect it to render partially transparent?
5. These icons are not currently customizable.
6. Which control are you referring to here? Is this in relation to the UltraDockManager?
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for answering. I will keep that in mind when posting in future. I will try out the solutions you provided and let you know if I have any concerns.
To clarify your questions,
Point 4. We do have transparent parts in our bitmaps but we want to control when to make it transparent and non-transparent. Is this possible?Point 6. Yes, it is in relation to the UltraDockManager.