Hi all!
Is there a way to display some text on an Ultrasplitter and format the text (frontname and size)?
Actually we use a CreationFilter and create a TextUIElementm which has no proerties to format the text.With the UltraLabelControlUIElement we can format the text but can't change the TextOrientation (we have to use TextOrientationInfo(90, TextFlowDirection.Vertical)
Is there a way to do this?
Of course we use TextFlowDirection.Horizontal not Vertical, which throws an expection
Hello ,
Looking into API I don’t see any property /method to achieve it so the best way could be to use creation filter.
I setup a small demo sample and do something like this , which is working fine:
public void AfterCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)
if (parent is UltraSplitterUIElement)
TextUIElement text = new TextUIElement(parent, "Text on UltraSplitter");
text.Rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 120);
text.TextOrientation = new TextOrientationInfo(90, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal);
For Vertical orientation you would have to change the orientation degrees also , try to set it like this:
text.TextOrientation = new TextOrientationInfo(0, TextFlowDirection.Vertical);
Attached a demo sample also.