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Styling in class that inherits from ExpansionIndicatorUIElement

I have created a class that I use to implement expansion indicators in grid column headers. Expanding shows related columns and collapsing hides them. This works without any issues. The objects inherits from Infragistics.Win.ExpansionIndicatorUIElement.

The look of the expansion indicator is not quite right. I looked at the source code and tried to follow it, but I think I am falling short on the implementation of the UIRole. In the ExpansionIndicatorUIElement source code it is just a single line of code:

return StyleUtils.GetRole( this.Row.BandInternal, StyleUtils.Role.ExpansionIndicator );

StyleUtils is not accessible and I am not sure what I am supposed to call to get the role. I tried this:


But either that does not translate to the same or I am missing something else.

Here is how the expansion indicators look. On top is my object in the column headers and below is the grid's row expansion indicators:

Can anybody point me in the right direction? Maybe there is some example available that properly implements styling in an object like the one I am inheriting from?

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    Do you know that the grid has Built-in support for collapsing groups with an expansion indicator?

            private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
                var layout = e.Layout;
                var band = layout.Bands[0];
                var ov = layout.Override;
                ov.AllowGroupCollapsing = DefaultableBoolean.True;          
