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Is it possible to sign a PDF created using Document.Report

Hello Support,

We are using Document.Report object to create a report and publish it iin the PDF format.

Because we are a medical organisation we need our pdf documents to be signed with our certificate. Is this possible?

If so, how could I do this?


using (Report r = new Report())
       ISection sect1 = r.AddSection();
       sect1.PageSize = Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.PageSizes.A4;
       sect1.PagePaddings.Left = 25;
       sect1.PagePaddings.Right = 25;
    if (Background && !gotTemplate)
        _b = new Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Background(Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.Brushes.White, new MyDrawing() { DocType = DocCde, Organisation = GlobalData.Instance.Organisation });
        gotTemplate = !gotTemplate;
 //Grid EmployeeData
 IGrid employeedatagrid = sect1.AddGrid();

 //add 2 columns

 DataRow[] dr = (DataRow[])EmployeeDataSet.ttEmpExa.Select();

 #region address data
 IGridRow titledata = employeedatagrid.AddRow();

 IGridCell dataEmployeeCell = titledata.AddCell();
 IText dataEmployee = dataEmployeeCell.AddText();

 //dataEmployee.AddContent(getElement("empdata") + Returns(2), textFootNote);
 dataEmployee.AddContent(GetElement("empname") + Returns(1), _textFGBNames);
 dataEmployee.AddContent(GetElement("empaddress") + Returns(1) + GetElement("empcity") + Returns(1), _textFGBAddress);
 dataEmployee.AddContent(Returns(1), _textReturns);
 dataEmployee.AddContent(GetElement("empbirthdate") + Returns(1), _textFGBNormal);
 dataEmployee.AddContent(GetElement("empfilenr") + Returns(1), _textFGBNormal);    

    r.Publish((GlobalData.Instance.PathToLocalDocumentsStore + "\\" + _fileName), FileFormat.PDF);


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  • 34690
    Offline posted

    Hello Dieter,

    Thank you for your post on this matter. I am under the impression that you are referring to being able to digitally sign the PDF that you create.

    Unfortunately, at the moment this does not appear to be possible with the Infragistics for Windows Forms Document Engine. If you would like to see this potentially implemented in a future version of the toolset, I would recommend suggesting a new product idea for this at our Windows Forms Ideas Site, here. This will place you in direct communication with our product management teams who plan and prioritize upcoming features and development based on community and user feedback.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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