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How to stop Ultracombo from throwing IndexOutOfRangeException

In the load of a form I’ve setup the UltraCombo control:

With UltraCombo1

                .DataSource = PolhBindingSource

.DisplayMember = "DateEffective"

            .ValueMember = "PolhID"

             .DataBindings.Add("Value", PolhBindingSource, "PolhID", False, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never)

End With


When I change PolhBindingSource.Datasource to another collection of objects, that action causes Infragistics  to throw the following exception:

No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed.

System.IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled  Message="Index was outside the bounds of the array."  Source="Infragistics2.Shared.v7.3"  StackTrace:       at Infragistics.Shared.SparseArray.ValidateIndex(Int32 index)       at Infragistics.Shared.SparseArray.GetItem(Int32 index, ICreateItemCallback createItemCallback)       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ScrollCountManagerSparseArray.GetItem(Int32 index, Boolean create)       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowsCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow.get_Index()

I realize this may not be enough info to help solve my problem but I'm not sure how to proceed. Can you give me any tips on how to figure out what the problem is?


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