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GeographicSymbolSeries constructor breaks after 20.1 update

I've recently updated our application which uses the UltraGeographicMap control to Ultimate UI for Windows 20.1 from the previous version. I'm now seeing a null exception upon creating a new GeographicSymbolSeries object that fails on the parameterless constructor when trying to get the MarkerThickness value.

   at Infragistics.Controls.Maps.GeographicSymbolSeries.get_MarkerThickness()
   at Infragistics.Controls.Maps.GeographicSymbolSeriesView.OnHostedSeriesUpdated()
   at Infragistics.Controls.Maps.GeographicMapSeriesHost.OnHostedSeriesUpdated()
   at Infragistics.Controls.Maps.GeographicSymbolSeries..ctor()
   at Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.GeographicSymbolSeries..ctor()

I'm creating the object using the parameterless constructor then setting properties on the resulting object, like so:

GeographicSymbolSeries series = new GeographicSymbolSeries();

series.DataSource = [my data source object];
series.LongitudeMemberPath = "Longitude";
series.LatitudeMemberPath = "Latitude";
series.MarkerCollisionAvoidance = CollisionAvoidanceType.FadeAndShift;
series.MarkerTemplate = new [my Infragistics.Graphics.CustomRenderTemplate implementation];

This was working correctly prior to the 20.1 update. Are there new requirements for the context in which GeographicSymbolSeries objects can be created?

  • 140
    Offline posted

    After investigating this issue, I was able to reproduce the issue you are experiencing.  I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further.  To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 271897.  The next step will be for a developer to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix, or other resolution.

    In response to this issue being logged, I have opened a new private support case for you that I will be linking to this issue so you can be notified when a fix or other resolution becomes available. This private case has an ID of CAS-210347-X8C6P4 and you can access it here:


    Please let me know if you need more information.

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