I have of grid which currently has Fixerd rows at the bottom. Is it possible to put a splitter at the top of the fixed rows to shrink or expand the fixed rows area. Or could RowScrollRegions do this. I don't want to see all rows in both regions - only the nonfixed in the upper region and fixed only in lower region.
don't want to use two grids.
I'm trying to wrap my head around how this would work.
Fixed rows are neccessarily the last rows on the list, right? Like if you have a grid with 100 rows, the user or the programmer can fix any arbitrary row, such as row 5 at the bottom. And that row will appear at the bottom. So if the user were to grab the fixed row separator in that case and drag it upward, what should happen? What rows get fixed? Is it whatever row is at the bottom of the scrollable area (ColScrollRegion)? Is it the last row in the grid, even though that row is scrolled out of view?
Is that the idea?
If so, you could probably implement this yourself, really, without any additional support in the grid.
Searching through this ,its still a product idea for us :