By default, the Add New row in a grid has a * in the column header. How can I make that an image instead? I've tried this,
grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.AddRowAppearance.Image = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddGridRow.ico");
but it only kicks in once I start typing in a cell, and it shows up in the cell itself.
I want to use the image in the pic attached, but I don't want it on normal rows, I only want it on the Add New row.
Hello Sean,
Try using RowSelectorImages instead of the Bands, see the below:
grid.DisplayLayout.RowSelectorImages.AddNewRowImage = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddGridRow.ico"); grid.DisplayLayout.RowSelectorImages.ActiveAndAddNewRowImage = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddAndActiveGridRow.ico");
Dude, that totally did it.