By default, the Add New row in a grid has a * in the column header. How can I make that an image instead? I've tried this,
grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.AddRowAppearance.Image = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddGridRow.ico");
but it only kicks in once I start typing in a cell, and it shows up in the cell itself.
I want to use the image in the pic attached, but I don't want it on normal rows, I only want it on the Add New row.
Glad I could help. Let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
Dude, that totally did it.
Hello Sean,
Try using RowSelectorImages instead of the Bands, see the below:
grid.DisplayLayout.RowSelectorImages.AddNewRowImage = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddGridRow.ico"); grid.DisplayLayout.RowSelectorImages.ActiveAndAddNewRowImage = Image.FromFile("./Images/AddAndActiveGridRow.ico");