Whether the summaries appear on the same line with the description or on a different line is controlled by the GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle on the Override.
Make sure you set this property to SummaryCells and not SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription.
However, even if you set it to SummaryCells, the grid will still put the summaries on a second line if it can't fit the description in before the first summary cell. So the problem here might be that you have a summary applied to the first column and thus there's no room for the groupby row description and the summaries are getting pushed down.
Thanks for the explanation Mike.
I understand all of this and I included that info albeit in a different form in my original post and screenshots. My question is if there is a way to always to display summaries on the group by row. This would have the effect of shifting the left most column so that it's left bound is always to the right of the group by row text. If the grid doesn't support this behavior, which seems to be the case, is there anyway to do this using filters?
I believe what you need can be done by:
yourGridCtrol.DisplayLayout.Override.GroupByColumnsHidden = DefaultableBoolean.False;
And then from there resize the column that you're grouping on to be wider. I believe the GroupByColumnsHidden by default is set to True and when this happens it causes the problem that you're having. The only downside is that you have repeated data of the column you're grouping when you expand the outline.
I understand the current behavior as can be seen from my screenshots. If it is too hard to implement I'll just make it an option for the user to enable summaries on all columns, thanks for your response.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear.The point I was trying to make is that you can probably acheive what you want by removing the summary you have on the first column so that the description has room.
I don't beleive any filter will help you here. You could use a CreationFilter to move the summaries around, but it would be nearly impossible to change the height of the GroupByRow and adjust every other element in the grid to fill the space.