Hi all,
At the top of each day in the UltraDayView, there's an area where you can click for AllDayEvents, this area changes color when you click there to let you know it's selected. I'm looking for a way to manually (in code) select this all day event for a given date. Does anyone know if it's possible? It's basically just esthetics, selecting this alldayevent area looks better than selecting all the time slots for the day.
DateTime someDate = new DateTime( 2008, 1, 1 );this.dayView.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Clear();this.dayView.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Add( someDate );VisibleDay visibleDay = this.dayView.VisibleDays[someDate];ISelectionManager selectionManager = this.dayView as ISelectionManager;selectionManager.SelectItem( visibleDay, false );
Thanks, works great