I'm looking for a complete sample on how to connect to SQL Server (specific table) with ADOMD and use this as DataSource for a WinPivotGrid.
Can you please explain the steps and provide a sample.
Thank you very much
Hello Thomas,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. We have a topic called Using ADOMD, in the PivotGrid's online documentation as well as a sample to walk you through this in our Windows Forms Samples Browser.
The code for the sample is listed below:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Michael Di FilippoAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.www.infragistics.com/support
Estimado, estoy usando procedimiento almacenado con parámetros, como puedo enlazarlo al pivotgrid. uso windowsforms
Hello Michael,
sorry but that doesn't really help me. My question is how to display SQL Server data in PivotGrid. Your sample takes data from Infragistics in some unknown format.
Concrete questions would be:
Which provider is to use?
Is catalog the database?
What is cube, settings.Rows, settings.Columns?
Is it necessary to define settings.Measures, .Filters...
Thank you