how did you achieve the styling of the UltraTabControl in the Inventory Management winforms sample? What are the key properties to set?
By the way: Are there any (Infragistics) guidelines to achieve the actual Windows10-style for controls?
Thank you very much.
Hi TomBue,
The InventoryManagement sample uses an ISL for its styling. Please load the attached ISL in your project and let me know whether it gives you the styling that you want.
Hi Mike,
thanks, but my question is about the properties which must be set for the control in the IDE. For example Tabs left, size of the tabs and how/why are the icons so big?
Hi Tom,
There's a lot of different properties being set to achieve the look and feel in this sample. You can download the full source here: https://es.infragistics.com/resources/sample-applications/infragistics-windows-forms-inventory-management
The way that we got the tabs on the left is by setting the TabOrientation property. The setting you see in InventoryManagement is LeftTop.
The icons are Bitmap images and their size is controlled by the ImageSize property. We used 36x36, and supplied images that are exactly that size.
The tab size is controlled by the MinTabWidth and TabPadding properties. MinTabWidth controls the height instead when using vertical tabs like in the sample. We used 80 for MinTabWidth and 10 for both horizontal and vertical padding.
Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will be happy to assist you.
Thank you very much!