I am trying to make Date control show correct Thai year, Thai year = Christian year + 543. I changed the format of my computer to Thai. I also set the current culture of thread to "th". The calendar popout show correct display value with year "2560" = 2017 + 543. However the selected date display is "30/05/2017". I have checked everything and not sure if I miss anything here. Can this be a bug with date control?
I am using version v11.2.20112.1010
Hi Kim,
The UltraDateTimeEditor does not support synchronization between the drop down calendar and the date field when specific cultures as the Thai one is applied. In fact, the drop down calendar used here is the Microsoft’s one and therefore you can see how the operating system’s change in the region/language reflects it. However, that change does not affect the date field as it simply uses Windows ticks system global variable and thus the difference between the drop down calendar and the date field.
Let me know if you have additional questions regarding this matter.
Hi Ivaylov,
I don't think you answer is really valid.You can look at the image below. I understand from your answer is that if we change the Region to Thai when the application is running, the date display in the field will not be changed. However, I have changed the region after starting the application. The problem here is just the display format of the date. If you get that date from the control and call .ToShortDateString(), you will get correct value "31/05/2560"