I define a ComboBox which inherit from UltraTextEditor with the dropdownbuttoneditor.
In winForm It works as UltraCombo,but set it as a editorcontrol to the ultragirdcolumn,It can't work as i expected,the problem is:
1.The popcontrol in UltraTextEditor is poped coording by clicking button editor,I select an item but the popControl is visible remaning
2.When the gridcell is foused,the Popcontrol can not pop for user to select. In other words, I want the popcontrol visible after key down in the gridcell
What can I do for this? Thanks
I'm having a hard time understanding your questions.
1) It sounds like you are saying that the dropdown is not closing when you select an item. If that's the case, then the question is, how are you closing the dropdown? The DropDown will not be able to close by itself, so you must be closing it in code and the code must be doing something wrong. My guess is that you are calling the CloseUp method on the DropDownEditorButton that is in the UltraTextEditor control and not the DropDownEditorButton in the grid cell. They are two different things. I beleive there's a static methodto close all dropdown buttons, too, which would probably be easier, assuming you don't have multiple dropdowns visible at the same time.
2) Again, it sounds like your code is probably trying to drop down the button in the control instead of the grid cell. You need to get the EditorResolved from the grid cell (probably grid.ActiveCell) and then use the ButtonRight collection of the editor to get thet actual DropDownEditorButton inside the grid cell.
Hi Mike,
I'm sorry for my poor English,also Thank you very must.
Now I meet a lot of problems in this subject which set a combo I define as an embeded control for ultragrid.
Can I add a Panel or some components under the grid of the ultracombo?
Thank you!