Is there a Checked option available to ButtonTool and how can you access or set it?
Public WithEvents Portrait2 As New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("Portrait2")
Portrait2.Checked=true ''This doesnt work :)
Use the StateButtonTool instead of ButtonTool.
Hi Matt, I do not see a "checked" icon next to the the StateButtonTool I have created even though I am setting
myStateButtonTool.Checked = true;
First, am I supposed to see the checked icon when I set "Checked" to true? Is so what do you think I am doing incorrect?
A state button will not have a checkmark by default; it treates the "checked" options as appearing pressed (similar to how you would see the 'B' button pressed in Word should you currently have Bold selected). If you want to have the button display as an actual checkbox, set the ToolbarDisplayStyle of that button to 'Glyph', which is available as of 8.2 I *think*, though it may have been in the 8.1 release. If this is not a possibility, you could use a ControlContainerTool to host an actual CheckBox control, or UltraCheckEditor.
Is that the toggle button and state button one and the same.
Actully i wanted to use a state button,but in ribbon xml file. so can u give any idea how can i use it or i can use toggle instead,if so then how?
ok we must add one line :
properties.MenuDisplayStyle = StateButtonMenuDisplayStyle.DisplayCheckmark;
in my code i'm doing that :
StateButtonTool properties = (StateButtonTool)this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools["Properties"];properties.ToolbarDisplayStyle = StateButtonToolbarDisplayStyle.Button;properties.Checked = true;
I have v8.2 of infragistics controls
and my stateButton didn't displays the check icon...
What is wrong please ?