just startet to setup a little BarChart with two rows:
FolderTable.Columns.Add("Labels", typeof(string));FolderTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(int));
FolderTable.Rows.Add("Backup", 450);FolderTable.Rows.Add("Download", 500);
After binding the DataSource the Chart shows always the "Value" AND Backup and Download
I want to see the first column (backup,download) instead of Value ..
Seems too be very simple. Perhaps someone gives me the hint to solve..
Looks like ..
I changed the table
FolderTable.Columns.Add("Download", typeof(int));FolderTable.Columns.Add("Backup", typeof(int));
So this looks fine.
On the left side there is "Row #0".
Does anybody know how to kill this ;-)