No matter what I try I can not get the grid lines to be any color other than light gray. I have tried many combinations including the below to no avail...
grdWork.DisplayLayout.Appearance.ThemedElementAlpha = Infragistics.Win.Alpha.Transparent grdWork.DisplayLayout.Appearance.BorderColor3DBase = Color.Red grdWork.DisplayLayout.Appearance.BorderColor = Color.Red grdWork.DisplayLayout.Appearance.BorderColor2 = Color.Red
What am I missing?
My first thought is always to turn off UseOSThemes on the control. I'll take a look and see if there's more to do here but that's always my go to!
Yes I did that to no avail...
what I had to do was
1. Cycle through cells and change border
2.Cycle through rows and change border
code is below...
For Each gridRow In grdWork.Rows 'DR = CType(gridRow.DataBoundItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row DR = CType(gridRow.ListObject, System.Data.DataRowView).Row 'gridRow.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Me._presenter.GetItemColor(DR) gridRow.CellAppearance.ForeColor = Me._presenter.GetItemColor(DR) gridRow.Appearance.BorderColor = Color.Black gridRow.Appearance.BorderColor2 = Color.Black Next