I would like to write individual text into the TimeSlotDescriptorArea instead of the time values.
How does it work to show a caption for different timeslots?
You could probably accomplish this using the IUIElementDrawFilter interface. The visual appearance of the TimeSlot descriptor is realized through the Infragistics.Win.UltraWInSchedule.DayView.TimeSlotDescriptorUIElement. You could use the IUIElementCreationFilter interface to remove the HourUIElement and MinuteUIElement elements that appear by default (as immediate children of the TimeSlotDescriptorUIElement), and add a TextUIElement instead, with the Text property of the TextUIElement set to the caption you want to display. One thing to note is that the TimeSlotDescriptorUIElement exposes a property, SelectableItem, which will return the first TimeSlot associated with that descriptor; I mention this because this is the only way to get an association between the descriptor and a TimeSlot, and you might need this information depending what information you need for your caption.
Hi Brian,
How about the font size of the HourUIElement? I would like to make it smaller than the default.Is there a better way to accomplish it than what you described (adding an alternate UITextelement)?
UltraDayView.TimeSlotDescriptorAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints property to a smaller value.
Sorry, I lost track of this thread. You might be able to derive a class from MinuteUIElement, override the InitAppearance method to resolve the font size differently, and replace the MinuteUIElements with your derived instances using the IUIElementCreationFilter interface.
Any chance of getting a reply?
Thanks for your quick reply.
Well, it works, but it makes the minutes font grow or shrink accordingly, and the ratio between them is not maintained.In short, I managed to make the hours smaller, but now the minutes are the same size as the hours.Is there a workaround for this?