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How can I determine that the second set of Column Headers still belongs to the same childband?

In the attached image, I have highlighted (in red) the second set of Column Headers in the first childband of row number 2 (highlighted in blue).  How can I determine that these belong together programmatically?  If I loop through the UIElements, I can get a BandHeadersUIElement but I don't know which UltraGridChildBand it should be associated with.  Alternatively, if I use the UltraGridChildBand under row number 2 to get the column headers, it gives me the first set.  How can I get to one from the other in a way that would indicate that these headers are for this childband?  

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    In article , toddpeak says...

    Hi Todd,

    Maybe if you give us some sample code of how it is that you are looping
    through the UIElements it might enable us to help you better.

    Without knowing exactly what you are doing the only suggestion I can
    come up with is that the BandHeadersUIElement has a Parent property. I
    would think (hope) that this was a reference to the Parent row. If that
    doesn't pan out, then you can try using the Band property from the
    BandHeadersUIElement to find the appropriate childband from the row you
    have highlighted in blue. One of the ChildBandsCollection indexers
    takes an UltraGridBand object.
