how can I control the already built in context menu of a column and handle its events?
How can I prevent the control from creating a new Spreadsheet with the "+" Button?
Do you just want to prevent the button from adding a new Spreadsheet? Or are you trying to hide the button and thus prevent the user from adding a new sheet entirely?
Hi Mike,
best would be if the Add new button would be invisible.
If this is not possible only a way to avoid new spreadsheet would be great.
Also I need to know how to control the already standard built in contextmenus like clear Range, Clear row etc can be controlled and handled to prevent unwanted data loss
Best Regards
In our latest service release for 16.1, we added ContextMenuOpening event handler that grants you access to any context menu right before it is being visualized in UltraSpreadsheet.
Hi all,
I also need to access the context menus on the UltraSpreadsheet, for instance on the Cell context menu I want to add a "Format Cells..." option (just like in Excel really), which can launch a form I'll build.
I'm currently using 15.2 but I also have 16.1, is this something that's possible, or will be possible in future?
If I can't edit that context menu can I override it and provide my own?
Hi Michael,
I created a sample project for you using a CreationFilter class which basically prevents the “AddNew” sheet button of creating and as a result of displaying in the Spreadsheet.
Let us know if it works for you as a workaround, before we actually implement it as a feature.