First of all, I am using an isl file for general look and feel.
I have a blue color for selected row which I didn't really configure that way (make me believe it is Windows default). When a row is selected the font looks white. Now when I mouse over the row, the text in the row becomes invisible because mouse over row color is kind of whitish too. How can I make mouse over a different dark color, say brown, by setting in the isl file?
Also note that I am using ControlThenApplication for the Grid ResolutionOrder.
A quick response is very much appreciated.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
Where are you setting the mouse over background color? When you are setting it you can also set the forecolor. If you are setting it through AppStylist, you can find the option in the “Font” panel, if you are setting it through code you can use the ForeColor property of the Appearance object.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Sorry I missed your response for 2 days. I was waiting for this.
Yes We were using AppStylist, but the question is why this is a problem because everything related to row highlighting is using default except I am setting Grid ResolutionOrder to "ControlThenApplication".
Also in Appstylist editor, you have "Normal", "Selected", "HotTracked" and "Active". Which one is for MouseOver?
I tried both HotTracked and Active and both don't have any effect.