We have a WinChart and a Datagrid as documents in a tabbed ControlIt is a real-time WinChart and is updating continuously But..
When the Datagrid tab is pressed and it covers the WinChart, the Filscenegraph never gets fired.
Is there any way to force this ? or is it purely unlucky for me that .NET controls this behaviour :¬(
We do all our regression calculations inside the Filscenegraph.It is very heavy interactive WinChart so it has to be like this BUT...It breaks our programs as its not calculated when hidden.
Please help :¬)
Hi Mac,
I don't recommend performing your calculations in FillSceneGraph, as the framework determines when the chart is drawn. As such, you cannot know for sure when or how often this event will fire. Instead, I'd do this in a helper method and call into it at a time determined by your application. For example, you might want to use a timer to ensure that updates are done at a regular interval.
It might be worth a try to call Refresh() on the chart to see if this forces FillSceneGraph to fire, but I think .NET will figure out that it doesn't need to do anything.
Hi Mike
Thank you for the fast replyShame its what I though it was Darn .NET framework :¬(
Sadly UltraChart1->Refresh didn't work but...
Interestingly if I float the DataGrid container on top but still cover the WinChart completely FilesSeneGraph gets executed perfectly
I tried calling our helper function Independently from the Filscengraph but I forgot it was coded up to iterate over a real-time custom set of WinChart Primitive's also relying on the GRID Hashtable and XAxis YAxis conversion to real world coordinate functions
I will have to force top mode for the WinChart! or rewrite the whole thing to calculate regression out side of the FileScenGraph.Adding the regression as a column in a Datasource (losing a lot of the dynamic nature of the chart)
This is a lot of work and bad news for me But none of it is infragistics faultSo I will go ask in a more .NET generic forum
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me
One last thing...
I just duplicated our regression logic outside FillSceneGraph using data from the Datasource not the grid hashtable and all seems to be good :¬)
That's good to hear! Is there anything more I can do to help?
Hi Mike,
No more info needed I have it sorted now :¬)
Its a shame I have to do it twice but :¬) its okOnce in case its hidden (well .NET thinks its hidden) andOnce in case the users are in a fillscene edit loop
Have a nice holiday