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Ultrachart 2D Columns data values are overlapping with neighboring columns

When displaying the data value of the columns, I create a new ChartTextAppearance and add it to the ChartText of the ColumnChart. See below the code:

ChartTextAppearance colApparence = new ChartTextAppearance();
colApparence.Column = SwapRowsColumns ? -2 : i;
colApparence.Row = -2;
colApparence.ItemFormatString = itemFormatString;
colApparence.Visible = !StackChart;
colApparence.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Center;
colApparence.VerticalAlign = StringAlignment.Far;

The issue is that when there are two columns with a similar value, the data values are overlapping

Any idea on how can I get these values displayed without overlapping?

Thank you.

  • 12480
    Offline posted

    Hi Alvaro,

    UltraChart doesn't have any built-in collision detection for labels. This is something you could implement yourself. I'll put together a small sample to get you started.

    An alternative solution that might work is to use a bar chart instead of columns. Since your labels are longer, they'll match up to the columns better if the chart is oriented vertically like a bar chart.

    Please let me know how you choose to proceed.

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