I have the following problem: I am trying to drag and drop appointments from a UltraDayView control to a UltraMonthViewSingle control (both control share a calendar info, version 8.2.20082.1000), to provide "fast changing date functionality".
The problem I am faced to is as follows: when I start drag'n drop operation in UltraDayView's MouseMove, I am able to drag appoinment to UltraMonthViewSingle control (and here drop and process), so far it's ok.
However, now I cannot move appointmens within the UltraDayControl.
See the attached project. Try to create an appointment in ultra day view component by double click and then drag and drop it onto ultra month view on the right. It works. Not try to move the appointment 30 minut later - it does not work. If you comment out DoDragDrop in OnMouseMove handler, moving appointsments starts working.
Is there a way how to get working both?
Thank you
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I am trying to get the same behavior described in the initial post with ultradayview and ultramonthviewmulti.
In your sample we have to determine before the drag operation whether we will do drag drop between two controls or just appointment dragging within the ultradayview.
Is it possible to skip the initial selection process (extended or normal drag)?
Meaning that while we are dragging an appointment within the ultradayview we just do appointment dragging but if we leave the ultradayview bounds we do dragdrop (i tried to capture mouseleave event during dragging but didn't worked).
In addition how can i capture the ultramonthviewmulti day in which an appointment dropped?
Thanks in advance