I am trying to configure summaries such that they only exist for when the grid is grouped. I do not want a summary row at the end of the grid. I believe I have tried every combination of the SummaryDisplayArea property for a summary as well as on the displaylayout.override as well. I either always get a summary at the end, get no summaries.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Dana,
You can use AfterSortChange event, inside it you can use IsGroupByColumn property of a column and check if it’s a grouped column ,if it is then you can display summaries or hide them as per your requirement by setting the SummaryDisplayAreas to None. Attached is a sample that demonstrates this for you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Sahaja Kokkalagadda
I am sorry, but I guess I did not make it clear as to what I am trying to accomplish. What I want is summary rows in the footer of each group for the values I have defined summary values for (don't care what field is being grouped by) and I don't ever want a summary row at the bottom of the grid. It seems like you can have a summary row at the bottom of the grid and in the footer of a group, but not just in the footer of the group.
I have attached an annotated screen shot to help clarify what I want to accomplish.