I can only see that this is possible in a WebGrid. Can anyone help to determine whether this is possible in a grid with a single band of data?
To elaborate, three of the column headers will be different geographical regions, and so I would like a header that spans above all the individual column headers that says "Regions".
I've been searching the forums and knowledge base but I can't see any clues - any help is much appreciated!
There are two ways to do this.
1) Use Groups. You can add a Group to the band for each region and then assign each column to a group.
2) Use RowLayouts. This is more complex and you would need to add some unbound columns to the grid to represent the regions, then set the LabelPosition on these columns to LabelOnly and position them using the grid designer.
Moving UltraGridGroup actually works. What about other hidden features? :)
Mike, can these groups actually react to something? Or are they only be used as "extra-headers for a collection of groups"? Can I for instance "collapse" the whole group, so that the columns in the group are not visible? Or move the groups around like columns (changing the order of columns in the grid)? Can I configure the auto-size behavior (double-click on the border of the group header -> all columns in the group will be autosized)?