I have bound WinTree to a DataTable having multiple columns and I want to reorder the positioin of columns appearing in the Tree. The order of columns should be possible to change in the run time (not by user drag drop). I was looking for properties like VisibleHeaderPosition, but was unable to find. How to achieve this functionality? Please suggest.
I suggest trying the Column.LayoutInfo.OriginX property. This is related to SpanX property.
How can we reoder the column of a columnset, so that to add an unbounded column at the begining of the row of columns.
I have checked the OriginX property does not provide correct information for columns (order, position) at the time of columnset generated or initalize data node events.
Please suggest how can we acheive it.
regardsVivek Bahl
UltraTree uses the layout manager support that is built into the Infragistics framework; admittedly, some have found this to be difficult to use although it does offer a great deal of flexibility. UltraGrid's VisiblePosition property predates the layout manager support that was added to UltraGrid since its original release, but since UltraTree only uses the layout manager support, the VisiblePosition property (and Width property, on a related note) were not added.
The reason the OriginX property is not set is because by default, the ordinal position of the column within its Columns collection is used. What you can do to change this is handle the ColumnSetGenerated event, which gives you the UltraTreeColumnSet being generated, and explicitly set the UltraTreeNodeColumn.LayoutInfo.OriginX property on each member of the Columns collection; this is the equivalent of setting the VisiblePosition property of an UltraGridColumn. Note that the UltraTreeNodeColumn.LayoutInfo equivalent of the Width property is PreferredLabelSize.Width (or PreferredCellSize.Width if headers are not being displayed).