Hello again,
i have done a RadialLine chart with more series. But it looks like if every series prints his own radiusAxis (labels).
radiusAxis.LabelsLocation = IGAxisLabelsLocation.IGAxisLabelsLocationInsideRight;
radialSeriesArray[0] = new IGRadialLineSeries("series0");
radialSeriesArray[0].ValueAxis = radiusAxis;
radialSeriesArray[0].AngleAxis = angleAxis;
radialSeriesArray[0].DataSource = sourceHelperArray[0];
radialSeriesArray[1] = new IGRadialLineSeries("series1");
radialSeriesArray[1].ValueAxis = radiusAxis;
radialSeriesArray[1].DataSource = sourceHelperArray[1];
How can i prevent the chart from doing more than one radial axes? It should use only one/some axis for all series.
I will double check this when I get into the office, but are you setting both axis on both series? In the code provided above only series0 is getting an angle axis.
Hi Darrell,
you are right in the sample code it' missing, but in my code i do.
Hey Johann,
One of our DS Engineers made a sample trying this out. I modded it up some. I don't see the behavior you are seeing. If you are still having this issue could you modify this sample to show how you are seeing the behavior?
Hi Johann,
Thank you for the reply.
This issue is logged in our internal issue tracking system with ID of 180782 and I have created a private case for you - CAS-143309-V0J3S5. This way you will be notified as soon as the issue is resolved.
You can view your active cases from the following link:
as a workaround i did nearly the same. But if you have a solution within the IGChart-Controlls so let me know.
Thanks, Johann
OK I will pass this on to our Chart team but I think I have a programmatic solution.
It appears that the interval is adding circle which is really close to a line being produced for the .Maximum value.
So my suggestion at this time would be to set your maximum and interval values to (for lack of a better term) sympathetic values.
So rather than setting your calculated 10.23 round it up to 12 and set up .interval to 4 (for example).
Hello Darrell,
i found the error. I calculate the maximum for the radiusAxis (e.g. 107.54). If you change the following line in your sample to
radiusAxis.Maximum = 10.23f;
you can see it too.
thanks - Johann