I have updated my xcode to xcode 5.1(which include iOS 7.1 simulator), now the i'm facing some strange color issues with infragistic's chartview graphs
Also same issues i'm facing on Device having iOS 7.1...
On iOS 6.0,6.1 & 7.0 my bar graph,line graphs looks like following(see the links)
1. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzg3MF9vQWdlWg
2. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzg3Ml9YQUpsMA
3. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzg3NV9kbjlGcQ
And on ios 7.1 same graphs looks as follows(see the links)
1. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzkwOF9OWHFFaQ
2. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzkxMF8weThuTQ
3. https://ramjansayyad.opendrive.com/files?Nl8zNTExMzkxM19seVVEcQ
Here i'm adding the code sniphet i use to create single column series graph
IGChartView *infraChart = [[IGChartView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20,20,200,150)];
[infraChart setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
infraChart.delegate = self;
IGCategoryXAxis *xAxis = [[IGCategoryXAxis alloc] initWithKey:@"xAxis"];
IGNumericYAxis *yAxis = [[IGNumericYAxis alloc] initWithKey:@"yAxis"];
[infraChart addAxis:xAxis];
[infraChart addAxis:yAxis];
xAxis.labelBrush = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
yAxis.labelBrush = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
yAxis.minimum = 0.0;
yAxis.maximum = max;
xAxis.crossingAxis = yAxis;
xAxis.crossingValue = 0.0;
yAxis.labelsLocation = IGAxisLabelsLocationInsideTop;
IGCategorySeriesDataSourceHelper *source = [[IGCategorySeriesDataSourceHelper alloc] init];
source.data = [pendingGraphData copy];
source.valuePath = @"cost";
source.labelPath = @"product";
IGColumnSeries *colSeries3 = (IGColumnSeries *) [infraChart addSeriesForType:[IGColumnSeries class] usingKey:@"PendingSeries" withDataSource:source3 firstAxisKey:@"xAxis" secondAxisKey:@"yAxis"];
colSeries3.brush = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:255.0/255.0 green:255.0/255.0 blue:0.0/255.0 alpha:1]]; //From here i'm assigning color to column series graph(if you see in above links column series graph for pending getting yellow color with these RGBs )
colSeries3.title = @"Pending";
infraChart.tooltipPinLocation = IGTooltipPinLocationTop;
infraChart.crosshairsThickness = 2.0f;
infraChart.crosshairsVisibility = IGCrosshairsVisibilityVertical;
infraChart.crosshairsBackground = [UIColor whiteColor];
[self.view addSubview:infraChart];
Hi Manish,
This issue was resolved in a recent service release. You can get this update by re-downloading the trial if you're a trial user, or by visiting Keys and Downloads to get the latest service release if you've purchased the product.
NucliOS Release Notes - March: 13.1.285, 13.2.164 Service Release
How is the service release version verified in the installed component?
Re-downloaded via Keys and Downloads yet greyscale graphs are still being rendered.