Hi - I'm having issues using your grid view when an object is being created dynamically. I've attached a sample project to illustrate exactly what I'm trying to do.
Essentially I have some data that comes back and the grid columns will very. I'm able to create the columns dynamically without a problem but getting the data to bind to the grid properly is an issue. I've done this in the past but needed to use System.Dynamic or System.Reflection.Emit, both of which to my knowledge are not available in Xamarin Studio.
Take a look at the example and let me know what you think... (I can't seem to attach my zipped solution, I'll try in a reply)
Used a URL instead of file attachment since that was not working. Please see attachment
I'd be happy to take a look at your sample.
I just downloaded it. However, can you remove that download link now, the problem is that you have our release version dll's in there and now anyone can download your sample to get them.