Greetings All! I am trying to convert the igGridPhotoViewer sample from objective-c to C# (Monotouch), but am stuck on what do to after ViewDidLoad ... I don't really have a need to edit/add filter or re-size the selected image. Below is what I have so far, but I'm at a loss as to what to do next! As always, I sure do appreciate your help!!!
[Register("igGridPhotoViewer")] public class IgGridPhotoViewer : UIViewController { private UIView _resizeThumb; private Point _originPoint; private int _numberOfColumns, _maxNumberOfColumns, _portraitColumnCount; private float _columnSize, _resizeThumbSize, _resizeThumbOffset; private IGCellPath _editPath; private Size _landscapeSize, _portraitSize; private NSObject[] _photos;
private IGGridView _photoGridView, _thumbsGridView;
private IGGridViewColumnDefinition _col, _thumbCol; private IGGridViewSingleRowSingleFieldDataSourceHelper _photoDs, _singleRowThumbDs; private IGGridViewSingleFieldMultiColumnDataSourceHelper _thumbsDs;
bool IsPhone { get { return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone; } }
bool IsIphone5 { get { return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone && UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size.Height * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale >= 1136; } }
public IgGridPhotoViewer() { }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { _columnSize = IsPhone ? 75 : 100; _resizeThumbSize = IsPhone ? 30 : 50; _maxNumberOfColumns = IsPhone && !IsIphone5 ? 2 : 3; _portraitColumnCount = IsPhone ? 3 : 6; _resizeThumbOffset = IsPhone ? 10 : 20; _landscapeSize = IsPhone ? (!IsIphone5 ? new Size(480, 256) : new Size(568, 256)) : new Size(1024, 680); _portraitSize = IsPhone ? (!IsIphone5 ? new Size(320, 392) : new Size(320, 480)) : new Size(768, 935);
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; View.Alpha = 1;
_photoGridView = new IGGridView(View.Frame, IGGridViewStyle.IGGridViewStyleSingleCellPaging);
_photoGridView.SelectionType = IGGridViewSelectionType.IGGridViewSelectionTypeNone; _photoGridView.AlwaysBounceVertical = false; _photoGridView.AlwaysBounceHorizontal = true; View.AddSubview(_photoGridView);
_thumbsGridView = new IGGridView(); _thumbsGridView.RowSeparatorHeight = 0; _thumbsGridView.SelectionType = IGGridViewSelectionType.IGGridViewSelectionTypeCell; _thumbsGridView.HeaderHeight = 0; _thumbsGridView.RowHeight = _columnSize; View.AddSubview(_thumbsGridView);
_photos = GetAnimals().ToArray();
_col = new IGGridViewImageColumnDefinition(@"Image", IGGridViewImageColumnDefinitionPropertyType .IGGridViewImageColumnDefinitionPropertyTypeStringUrl);
_photoDs = new IGGridViewSingleRowSingleFieldDataSourceHelper(_col); _photoDs.Data = _photos;
_thumbCol = new IGGridViewImageColumnDefinition(@"thumb", IGGridViewImageColumnDefinitionPropertyType .IGGridViewImageColumnDefinitionPropertyTypeStringUrl);
_thumbsDs = new IGGridViewSingleFieldMultiColumnDataSourceHelper(_thumbCol); _thumbsDs.NumberOfColumns = 1; _thumbsDs.Data = _photos;
_singleRowThumbDs = new IGGridViewSingleRowSingleFieldDataSourceHelper(_thumbCol); _singleRowThumbDs.Data = _photos;
_thumbsGridView.DataSource = _thumbsDs;
_photoGridView.ScrollEnabled = true;
_thumbsGridView.PagingEnabled = true;
/* var selectPath = [ds deNormalizePath:selectPath]; [_thumbsGridView selectCellAtPath:selectPath animated:NO scrollPosition:IGGridViewScrollPositionNone]; [_thumbsGridView scrollToCellAtCellPath:selectPath atScrollPosition:IGGridViewScrollPositionNone animated:NO];*/
public List<PhotoData> GetAnimals() { var animals = new List<PhotoData>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { animals.Add(new PhotoData(string.Format("{0}/{0}", Random(20) + 300))); }
return animals; }
private readonly System.Random _random = new System.Random(); protected int Random(int count) { return _random.Next(count); }
[Register("PhotoData")] public class PhotoData : NSObject {
public PhotoData(string image) { Image = image; }
[Export("Image")] public string Image { get; set; } }
Hi Blake!
I'd be happy to create a C# version of the sample for you.
Which part of the sample are you looking for? Do you want the thumbnails portion, the large viewer, or both. The only reason i ask is so that you don't get any extraneous code that you don't need.
Let me know and i'll put something together for you today.
Howdy Steve,
I sure would appreciate the C# example! I'm trying to create both the thumbnails portion and the large viewer. I really don't have a need for the editing or resizing pieces though. I eventually plan show the picture in the larger viewer full screen when the user taps it. You're awesome!