Hi there,
I thinking buying this product, because i need a stacked bar chart for Monotouch (for now...i will need more). But I can not see one good sample. Can you help me? I need something like that..simple: (thanks!!)
The code in this help link: http://es.infragistics.com/help/topic/53d75e81-b590-4294-aadb-2bb5d7afde46
give a error in this line:
stackedChartDataSourceHelper = new IGStackedSeriesDataSourceHelper(_data.ToArray(), NSArray.FromObjects("Value1", "Value2", "Value3"));
say can not convert objecto to array....
You would need to change the code in the sample to
List<NSString> valueList = new List<NSString> (); valueList.Add (new NSString("Value1")); valueList.Add (new NSString("Value2")); valueList.Add (new NSString("Value3")); _stackedChartDataSourceHelper = new IGStackedSeriesDataSourceHelper( _data.ToArray(), valueList.ToArray());
and add the following #usings
using Infragistics; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
attached is the .cs class with the changes
Thanks for your help!
now i have this code and it's almost done!
3 more things:
-> i need to change the items name...is showing "item 0" and "item 1"
-> i would like to put the numeric data like "10k"
-> and how i change de font colour of the theme?
thanks for you help
public void ConstroiGraficoLoanAdvisor() { this.PopulateData(); _chartView = new IGChartView(); _chartView.Theme = IGChartGradientThemes.FinanceTheme2(); _chartView.Theme.LegendFont = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica Neue", 9); _chartView.Theme.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica Neue", 9); _chartView.Frame = new RectangleF (5, 6, 240, 155); _chartView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray; _chartView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth; _chartView.Delegate = new SampleChartDelegate(); List<NSString> valueList = new List<NSString> (); valueList.Add (new NSString("Interests")); valueList.Add (new NSString("Principal")); valueList.Add (new NSString("Costs")); _stackedChartDataSourceHelper = new IGStackedSeriesDataSourceHelper(_data.ToArray(),valueList.ToArray()); IGNumericXAxis xAxis = new IGNumericXAxis("xAxis"); xAxis.LabelOrientationAngle = -90; xAxis.Extent = 50; IGCategoryYAxis yAxis = new IGCategoryYAxis("yAxis"); yAxis.IsInverted = true; _chartView.AddAxis(xAxis); _chartView.AddAxis(yAxis); IGStackedBarSeries series = new IGStackedBarSeries ("series"); series.XAxis = xAxis; series.YAxis = yAxis; series.DataSource = _stackedChartDataSourceHelper; _chartView.AddStackedSeries(new Class(typeof(IGStackedBarSeries)), "series", _stackedChartDataSourceHelper, "xAxis", "yAxis"); (this.View).AddSubview(_chartView); _legend = new IGLegend(IGChartLegendType.IGChartLegendTypeSeries); _legend.Frame = new RectangleF(240, 10, 70, 60); _chartView.Legend = _legend; (this.View).AddSubview(_legend); } void PopulateData() { _data = new List<NSObject>(); DataModel item = new DataModel(); item.Interests = wOutputValorJurosLoanInput; item.Principal = wOutputValorAmortizacaoLoanInput; item.Costs = wOutputValorOutrosCustosLoanInput; item.Label = string.Format ("A"); _data.Add (item); item = new DataModel(); item.Interests = wOutputValorJurosLoanAdvisor; item.Principal = wOutputValorAmortizacaoLoanAdvisor; item.Costs = wOutputValorOutrosCustosLoanAdvisor; item.Label = "Advise"; _data.Add (item); } public class DataModel : NSObject { [Export("Label")] public string Label { get; set; } [Export("Interests")] public float Interests { get; set; } [Export("Principal")] public float Principal { get; set; } [Export("Costs")] public float Costs { get; set; } }
thanks for you answer, now it's working!
You would not be able to change the theme values, as they are read only.
you can set the axis labelBrush property to a new IGBrush for that axis.
// sets the X-Axis labels to be red IGStackedBarSeries s = (IGStackedBarSeries)_chartView.Series [0]; s.XAxis.LabelBrush = new IGBrush (UIColor.Red);
As for custom labels,you would need to attach a delegate (and by extension create a delegate handler) to the IGChartView and process on the ResolveLabelForAxis method call in order to return your custom labels.
Updated the code file to show these changes.