NUCLiOS does not compile using the LLVM GCC 4.2 complier. I am using another library that complies ONLY in LLVM GCC and hence am forced to use the LLVM GCC complier. Will it be possible for NUCLiOS to compile in LLVM GCC 4.2? My purchase decision depends on this answer.
Hi Rammohan,
In NUCLiOS we try to take advantage of the latest compiler optimizations which includes weak references. Bud I do think we can fix this issue on our end.
However, in the mean time, you should be able to do the following.
If you compile the code that requires LLVM GCC 4.2 in to a separate library, you'll then be able to use the latest complier when compiling your application using NUCLiOS.
I wrote a blog post not to long ago that explains how you can even take that code and put it in a .Framework so that its very easy to use from project to project:
I hope this helps,
Thanks for the quick reply Steve. I am trying to build the library using instructions in your blog post. Running into issues as the library has C++ code. I have renamed all files to have .mm extension but still getting complier errors like
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/c++/v1/cstring:69:9: No member named 'memcpy' in the global namespace
have you seen this error before? Any help on fixing these?
This bug is fixed and released as part of our Latest Service release. (4/9/2013) you should be able to download this latest build from using your download page.
Hello Rammohan,
We have submitted this as a development issue and we've created a support case to track the issue. The support case number is CAS-112854-M8Z4X3. You will be notified through the case when the resolution for this issue has been released.
How long will it take for you to give me a build that complies on GCC compiler?
I tried hard but no luck. l have asked my company to place an order for NUCLiOS and will soon have the key. I will need you to provide a build for me that compiles on GCC complier.
I've created a few frameworks myself with C++ code, so that shouldn't be an issue.
The only files that need the .mm extension are those that have objective-c code but are calling your C++ methods.
If i had to guess, when you copied the source code to your new .framework project, the code was added to the build phases. What you need to do, is make sure that if you select the project, go to Build Phases, and then expand Compile Sources. That all of your .c , .m, and .mm files are listed there. If they aren't all there, click the + button int he lower left corner of that section and add them.
One other thing that i had to do with my framework, and i'm not entirely sure if it will solve your problem, was under Build Settings, in "Other C++ Flags" i had to have the following flags:
I also have the "C Language Dialect" set to : C99[-std=c99]
Let me know if this solves the problem.