This is really putting the knife in my project.
As far as I understand it, the IGGridViewDelegate methods gridView:willSelectCellAtPath: and gridView:didSelectCellAtPath: don't need any special code from the programmer to get them working. Simply add them to your project's .m file and fill in the logic. When the project is run, the grid will call them if they are implemented.
Well, as my video demonstrates, this is not the case for me.
The grid does not call either of these methods for the bottom row cells.
You can see my demo on my google drive here...
Unfortunately I can't conveniently package up this functionality into a project because the project is very large and many files are involved in getting this on screen.
Hi Stephen,
(1) No, there are no invisible views, however, I am using your tab view that slides on and off screen and can be repositioned on any side of the screen. You can see the light blue tab of the collapsed slide tab view in the video.
(2) the grid height varies on what data is being displayed. In cases where the grid extends beyond the bottom of the screen, the row that's present at the bottom when tapped will no respond to taps, but if you scroll it upwards away from the bottom of the screen, it does become tappable.
(3) The "city" cell is the bottommost row in the grid. When I pull up on the grid to expose the white area below the "city" cell, that is just the view I'm placing the gridview on.
Regarding the nil'ness of the cell, all the cells are produced through the same cellAt: method, and whether there is data or not, merely depends on what was read from my data structure into the cell.textLabel.text
In all cases, I am producing a cell and placing it in the gridview.
Would the view that the grid is placed on be considered "invisible" per your first question?
I'm assuming not, because you probably mean views that sit in FRONT of the grid view, not behind it.