Hi again :)
I use IGAreaSeries for giving color to the below of chart line. But IGAreaSeries doesnt show line color true, i think it uses alpa. How can i fix this.
And how can we use panGestureRecognizer and pinchGestureRecognizer properties, i couldt find any info at documention
/* The underlying gesture recognizer for pan gestures. (read-only)
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGestureRecognizer;
/* The underlying gesture recognizer for pinch gestures. (read-only)
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIPinchGestureRecognizer *pinchGestureRecognizer;
By default, the chart's brushes are solid, so you shouldn't be seeing any transparency at all, unless you're manually applying brushes with partial transparency or a theme with partially transparent brushes. Try setting a brush to a color that you know if solid (red, for example) and see if you get a fully opaque red color.
Check out the attached sample. I have an area chart overlaying a column chart, all with default brushes. You should see that both series are fully opaque as you can't see the columns underneath the area.
As for the gesture properties, they provide information about the underlying gestures, but you don't use them directly to set up gestures on your chart view. These are the two gestures that the chart already implements internally. If you need to know when the pinch/pan happen, you can handle some of the chart's delegate methods, such as -chartViewDidZoom or -chartViewDidScroll.
If you're seeing something that i haven't described, feel free to modify my sample and send it back to me and i'll take a look at it.
My problem was line color, not fill area, your sample have same problem
with these settings outline color is yellow and it has alpa
areaSeries.brush = [[IGBrush alloc]initWithR:.7 andG:.3 andB:.2 andA:1];
areaSeries.outline = [[IGBrush alloc]initWithColor:[UIColor yellowColor]];
areaSeries.thickness = 8;
We have released a service release with the fix and this can be downloaded from the my keys and downloads page.
You're right, I'm able to reproduce it.We'll have this fixed and notify you when a new build is available.