I have a grid that scrolls horizontally and each column represent a day and row is a type. I use multiple IGGridViewCell based classes to achive that. The datasourcehelper CreateCell decides based on a row what class to use. ALl works great.
Now I want to replace my old implementation of editable cells with built-in feature that is available based on ColumDefinitions, but I am a little puzzled on how to do that using IGGridViewColumnDefinition since I do not have columns (it is just cell path that is being used to lookup the value while the grid is scrolled horizontally).
Am I confused for a reason or I am missing something?
Thank you
Hey Mark,
So it sounds like you're just flipping your data, right?
So every item in the array of your data represents a Column, instead of a row?
If so, that sounds like you should just use the IGGridViewSingleRowSingleFieldDataSourceHelper. Basically this DatasourceHelper flips your data automatically.
The singleRow datasource helper takes a single column definition, thats repeated, so you'd basically just move the logic in your dsh CreateCell method, to the column's CreateCell method.
Does that make sense?
Sorry, but after looking into SingleRowDatasourcehelper i am still not clear how it is going to help me.
I have 16 rows, each row has unique cells and dynamic number of columns. Today my IGGridViewDataSourceHelper returns numberofColumns, numberofFixedColumns etc.....
From rowid I know which cell to create but now I want to use editable cells feature (available in ColumnDefinitions) and am not sure how to achieve similar functionality since I do not have named column names - each row contains the same column.
any suggestion
thank you
yes, it makes total sense.
I guess a while back I overlooked the use of IGGridViewSingleRowSingleFieldDataSourceHelper vs. IGGridViewDataSourceHelper, but will consider to switch now
as always, thank you very much