What is the chart/series/axis property that controls how "missing" values are plotted with regards to IGCategoryPoint and IGCategoryDatePoint?
Hello Caylan,
The property is off the series, "unknownValuePlotting"
It;s values are
IGUnknownValuePlottingLinearInterpolate = 0,IGUnknownValuePlottingDontPlot = 1,
Hope that helps,
Darrell Kress
Thanks. Is there a place in the header or documentation that specifies what the default values are for properties such as this one?
No, there isn't any documentation on what defaults are currently being used.
Care to save me a run/build/print and disclose this property's default? ;-)
It's always been like that.
That's super messed up. Any idea if that's always been the case or if it was recently introduced behavior? Now I feel like i need to audit all of our series code...
By default the IGLineSeries should be set to Don't Plot, but when I was trying to verify it we found an issue with the initializer. So currently it's going to return Interpolate. In the next SR we should have it at the intended value.
To workaround this issue, set the value of the property on the series to your intended value.
A bug is created for you and you will be notified when the SR containing this fix is made available.