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webdayview scrollposition failed with jquery 2.1.1


I'm using the 14.2.20142.2146 version of infragistics web controls.

If I add this line "<script type="text/javascript" src="<%: ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.js") %>"></script>" to the head of the page the scrollposition=-1 does not funcs but if i delete the script the scrollposition funcs.

Someone can help me? I nedd to use jquery 2.1.1


Parents Reply
  • 4315
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted in reply to Nikolay Alipiev

    Hi again.

    The problem with WebDayView in the Firefox browser, is a common problem of Firefox and the scrollTop property. It seems that in a combination with jQuery, this issues occurs. What happens is that after the WebDayView is initialized on the client, then the control is scrolled to desired position, using the scrollTop property. But only in Firefox this is not happening. It's a third-party issue and what we can propose you is a workaround. Please try the following code in your Default.aspx file:

    Code Snippet
    1. <igsch:WebScheduleInfo ID="WebScheduleInfo1" runat="server"></igsch:WebScheduleInfo>
    2. <igsch:WebDayView ID="WebDayView1" runat="server" Height="600px" WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1">
    3.      <ClientEvents Initialize="WebDayView1_Initialize" />
    4. </igsch:WebDayView>
    5. <script type="text/javascript">
    6.      function WebDayView1_Initialize(dayView, event) {
    7.          if (window.mozInnerScreenX !== undefined) { // Detect Mozilla Firefox
    8.              setTimeout(function () {
    9.                  dayView.setScrollPosition("430");
    10.                  // $(dayView._divScroll).scrollTop("430"); // Alternative using jQuery
    11.              }, 100);
    12.          }
    13.      }
    14. </script>

    As you see, I'm using the workaround, proposed in the StackOverflow post, and executing it, when the WebDayView is initialized on the client. I hope that this will help you resolve your case. If not, again I will ask you for more details about the browser and the OS you are using.

    Best regards,

    Nikolay Alipiev
