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In Chrome and Safari when you start editing a cell, the row editing template opens at an incorrect position

I have UI issue on WebHierarchicalDataGrid controls
For chrome and safari browser, editing cell doesnt work properly
In Chrome and Safari when I start editing a cell, the row editing template opens at an incorrect position.
I am using Infragistics: v13.2, Version =13.2.20132.2028
I have feature of row editing behavior for parent as well as child grid for WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
I have two parent row and respective child grid having multiple rows
When I have I start editing a cell, click on child grid cell, input box is shown for that cell to edit the values
now I expand second parent row and click on child grid cell and then click on another child grid cell to edit the value at that time, cell input box position is change and it is display on top left side.
I.e In Chrome and Safari when you start editing a cell, the row editing template opens at an incorrect position.

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  • 10240

    Hi Amit,

    I created a test sample using the assembly build for 13.2 as mentioned, and tested against each browser (Chrome 35 and Safari 5.1.7). Following your steps-to-reproduce I have been unable to replicate the behavior:

    I have attached my example for your reference. Please let me know if you are able to replicate the issue with my sample. Or, if you can modify my sample such that it reproduces this behavior, send back the modified sample and I will look further into this matter for you.
