I have a WebDataGrid with multiple columns. Some columns set a fixed width, but some columns have a percentual width.i.e.
Height="380px" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableDataViewState="True"
EnableTheming="False" ClientEvents-DoubleClick="selectRow" ClientEvents-Click="selectSingleRow">
Key="NintVP" Hidden="true">
Key="Programa" Width="80px" CssClass="AlignColumnCenter">
Key="CodVP" Width="41%" CssClass="text-center">
Key="DescVP" Width="59%">
Key="StatVP" Width="80px" CssClass="text-center">
Without data into the WebDataGrid, If I resize a column with percentual width then i obtain the following javascript error in set_width method. - "old_value" variable is set to "41%" - "value" variable is set to "Infinity%"
But if the webdatagrid has data the error don't ocurr.
Please, Can you see the error image bellow:
I tested your scenario with v13.2.2077 but I could not reproduce the issue. Can you tell me which version you are using, and if possible attach a small sample, so I can test and debug it on my side?
Please let me know if you still need assistance with this case.
We use Infragistics4.Web.v11.2 controls. We test the applicattion with Internet Explorer 8.
I attach a example test application to reproduce this scenario.
When i run the page the WebDataGrid load without values, if I resize a column the javascript error throw.
Hello Vasya,
Thank you for your interest
Actually we have a webdatagrid with multiple columns.
Some columns contains data with a fixed length (i.e. telephone numbers). Another columns has strings columns.
The final user require that the webdatagrid adapt to the available screen size, but the columns with fixed data leght must not be resized (i.e. telephone numbers)
We solve this problem using columns with fixed length (pixel width) and columns with flexible length (percentual width) but we found the previous problem.
Your can suggest another solution for this scenario?
Best regards.
Hello OneTx,
I am still following your case.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance with this matter.
Thank you for posting in our community.
I noticed in your sample that you are using both percentage and pixels to set the width of the columns. What I can suggest in you scenario is setting column widths in either percent or pixels but not both at the same time. As stated in our documentation usage percentage widths together with pixel widths is not recommended. The reason is that columns may resize unpredictably; at that point it is up to the browser to determine the widths of each column when a resize occurs.
Some further reference about Column Resizing feature could be found at:
I hope you find this information helpful.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.