I have a problem with the last release 13.2. I use IE11. When I write in the webtextbox, I write to right to left... !? If a change document mode to IE10 the problem disapear.
Why ?
Hello Jphillip74,
Thank you for reporting this issue ! This issue has been logged into our tracking system as 158553. I have create a support ticket for you regarding this matter - CAS-128212-M8F3Z9 and will keep you posted of any developments regarding this matter.
I will leave this case open and update you with any new information after the review. You can also continue to send updates to this case at any time.
You can view the status of the development issue connected to this case by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing this case on the web site.
Please let me know if you need more information.
I can confirm the same behaviour on IE11 for IG ASP.NET versions 13.2.20132.2007 and 13.1.20131.2188.
Please provide a fast fix for this